Industry News
Will anime go the way of gaming for marketers?
May 10, 2024,
Once only used in marketing by brands endemic to gaming due to their strong natural connection to the anime audience, now mass brands, such as McDonalds, are using anime imagery and narrative in their advertising and marketing.
- Still considered an experimental area for many brands — more of an innovation spend — but this is likely to change as more brands get involved
- As it worked with gaming, sports is an easy entry point for advertisers looking to get into anime by integrating into the content itself
- Interest in both gaming and anime benefited from COVID-19 behavioral changes during lockdown
More from Digiday here
#media #strategy #consulting #anime #marketing #advertisers
Is 10-year-old protocol Activity Hub, a.k.a the “Fediverse,” finally having its moment?
April 25, 2024,
Since brands and creators never own their audiences on social media, the potential TikTok ban is scaring them into thinking about what may happen to their businesses. The Fediverse is looking more and more like a viable Plan B. The protocol allows users from different platforms and services to interact with one another without creating individual accounts for each platform. Promoters of Activity Hub say it is an elegant way around social media’s walled gardens.
Read details in Digiday here.
More Fediverse background from Digiday.
#media #strategy #consulting #socialmedia #digitalmedia #fediverse
Are We In a News Apocalypse?
April 5, 2024,
NO! These are very tough times for many in the journalism business but there are bright spots to be considered.
The tough stuff:
- Prior news “winners”--Vice, BuzzFeed, Sports Illustrated are failing
- Most newspapers continue to shrink
- Print and digital advertising face price pressure and market share for news erodes
- AI’s impact on search will no doubt eliminate some referral traffic
- Younger consumers do not prefer to consume news in text form
- Facebook is abandoning news
The good stuff:
- Readers are willing to pay for news where they see value
- Philanthropic support for news is increasing
- More and better work is happening in video and podcasts
- Promising prospects for meaningful stream of payments from generative AI providers
- State and local government support appears likely
Read more from Richard Tofel’s Second Rough Draft:
#strategy #media #consulting #journalism
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