Industry News
How Well Can AI Protect Brand Safety?
August 22, 2024
A new report from digital watchdog Adalytics shows hundreds of brands’ ads appearing next to unsafe content on UGC sites despite using AI tools to prevent exactly that from happening.
- More than a dozen advertisers are raising questions about whether the AI tech is working as it should
- Some ads are appearing next to racial slurs and sexual references
- The fear is that brand safety vendors are overpromising and under delivering
- Sources are asking for more transparency about how the AI model works
More from Digiday here.
#managemenconsulting #brandsafety #consulting
Head swivel: News Re-Pivot to Video
July 25, 2024
Aggregate data from 47 countries shows all the growth in platform news use coming from video or video-led networks. This is happening after an expensive investment in video delivery for many news organizations 7 or 8 years ago didn’t pay out.
- Growth in platform news use is coming from YouTube, TikTok and Instagram, with Facebook on the decline.
- The shift to video is most notable outside the US and Europe as the price to consumers for data falls
- YouTube is used for news by almost 31% of Reuters’ global research sample weekly.
- These changes in audience consumption patterns by platform may make this video shift more permanent and significant than in the past
Read more from Reuters’ Digital News Report 2024 here:
How Americans Get News from Social Media
July 12, 2024
Americans encounter news content on TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, and X (formerly Twitter,) although they aren’t necessarily looking for it. X is the leading platform of the four that users cite “keeping up with the news” as a reason to visit.
Other news trends by platform:
- More people report seeing humor or opinion posts about current events than report seeing news articles.
- Those who regularly get news from FB or Instagram report receiving it primarily from family and friends. On TikTok. it's from influencers and on X, it’s news organizations or journalists.
- Most news consumers say they sometimes see news content that seems inaccurate.
- Generally, Republicans are most skeptical of news they find on FB and Dems say the same about X.
Read more from the Pew Research study here.
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