Quantum News


Research guide to trends in Gen Z news consumption features SME Ava Seave, Quantum Principal

January 8, 2024

Digiday + Research's just published a deep dive piece on Gen Z and news consumption.  One of the big take-aways of the research is what many suspected, but now it is proven: “Gen Zers discover breaking news through social media first.”  Quantum Principal Ava Seave, one of the SME's interviewed, is always thinking about the cost of distribution from the point of view of Quantum's clients; she noted that, "The sad truth about media is, you can almost never drop any format because if you do that, you’re going to miss a bunch of people….It’s best to keep adding different formats and try to optimize the production of the news that fits on those channels. Write once, publish many times — that’s how media companies make money.”      Read the entire research piece by Dania Gutierrez in Digiday here. #ManagementConsultants  #managementconsulting #NewsConsumption #genz

Sustainable Media Center run by long-time Quantum ally Steve Rosenbuam unites older and younger activists to make social media safe

October 13, 2023

The newly-formed Sustainable Media Center, run by Steve Rosenbaum, a Quantum Media client and ally for more than two decades,  is “intent on stopping companies from using algorithms to push damaging information to vulnerable youths, dark things like suicide methods,” said the AP in a feature article.   Quantum Media Principal, Ava Seave, has been on the Board of Directors since the non-profit's founding.   

Rosenbaum explained that “When you find that what you helped build is causing more harm than good, there’s no way you can get up in the morning and not do anything about it,."

Read the full article by David Bauder detailing the problems SMC has identified and how they are approaching the solutions. 

#media #managementconsulting #socialmedia

Quantum Media Principal Erica Gruen discusses the media M&A environment with Adweek

August 25, 2023

Adweek's Mark Stenberg recently evaluated the state of media M&A.  Overall, although he says that “a cocktail of adverse economic factors has brought the number of merger and acquisition deals in the media sector this year to its lowest level since 2020," he predicts that there will be an uptick in deals.  Delving into just why that is the case, he spoke to Quantum's Erica Gruen, who explained, "“If a company is completely ad-dependent, they are in a bad position. If they have thought about the new ways in which users are consuming media and how they are going to diversify to meet those needs, they are going to be alright.”  Read the full story, in Adweek, After Record Downturn, Media M&A Shows Signs of Rebound.  

#managementconsulting #media #MandA

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