Industry News


Teens’ Attachment to Social Media Stays Strong

December 26, 2023

A recent survey found that American teens continue to use social media at high rates, with 20% describing their usage as "almost constant." The study by the Pew Research Center revealed that YouTube continues to be the most widely used platform among those aged 13-17, with TikTok, Snapchat, and Instagram also remaining popular. Teenagers are much less likely to use Facebook and somewhat less likely to use X (formerly Twitter) than they were a decade ago. Among other findings in the survey: 

  • While almost equal numbers of boys and girls report almost constantly using YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook, teen girls are more likely to say they constantly use TikTok and Snapchat.
  • Larger percentages of Black and Hispanic than White teens say they use YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok almost constantly.
  • Larger shares of teens from lower-income households than those in highest-income families use Facebook and TikTok.
  • While almost all teens have access to a smartphone, fewer teens in lower-income households have access to a home computer.

Read more of the Pew Research Center survey here

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Taking it Personally: Results of the Largest Privacy Study Ever Conducted

December 16, 2023

The largest privacy study ever conducted has revealed that a large majority of consumers are very concerned about how their personal information is being collected and used. The results run counter to the conventional wisdom that consumers have become jaded and are no longer particularly concerned about privacy. More than 45,000 Americans over the age of 25 responded to the Publishers Clearing House study. Additional findings include: 

  • While 86% of those surveyed are concerned about data privacy and security, only a fraction feel well-informed about how their personal information is being used.
  • Most participants believe that almost all their data is personal, including exercise and TV viewing habits.
  • Almost two-thirds of survey respondents say both government and businesses should be responsible for data privacy and security.

Read the TVRev story here and download the complete study here.

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Subscriptions Continue to Pay Off for Publishers

December 8, 2023

A review and analysis of publishers' approaches to subscriptions in 2023 found that subscriptions became a more significant part of audience offerings and business models. Fears of reaching a "peak subscription" wall proved unfounded, as consumers continued to purchase more subscriptions. But more regulatory oversight of cancellation policies and the rise of AI continued to pose potential obstacles to growth. Other findings described in Jack Marshall's "Toolkits" newsletter include:

  • In a tough advertising market, subscription revenue proved its ongoing value.
  • Many publishers shifted their emphasis from subscriber growth to revenue growth. 
  • Subscription offerings became increasingly fragmented. 

Read more in Jack Marshall's "Toolkits" newsletter here.
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